Now days, purchasing online is our daily routing activity in our life. Covid-19 has given opportunity to use online platform with their extreme capability. eCommerce trend now high in market, with contributing major role in government taxes. Easy & robust business model help entrepreneur to start their eCommerce platform in various domain and sector. Medical, home appliance & up to vegetable everything available online. eCommerce giant also enforcing their efforts, investment & energy to give best customer experience with business module. Small enterprise struggling to enhance their product selection, customer experience, unexpected loss, overhead miscellaneous expenses and having less capability to understand their business.

Who we are

Aida-ML is business intelligent platform for eCommerce, which help small business & enterprise to improve their sales and gives insight about their business with help trading Machine Learning technology. This tool has capability to handle multiple platform data. Aida technology is not limited to single eCommerce development platform, this has extended support for trending eCommerce development platform like WordPress, Magento, Shopify & others.